Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Centurion's Wife

The Centurion's Wife by Janette Oke and Davis Bunn; Started: June 29th, 2010; Finished: June 29th, 2010.

Yes.  I totally DEVOURED this 379 pg book in a DAY!

Wow.  Just.  Wow.  What a fantastic book (obviously I could hardly put it down) I wasn't bored for a moment, I was eager for each turn of the page.

This book is about a young servant, Leah, in the house of Pilate, and Centurion Alban, set in the days after Jesus is crucified and then risen from the dead.

We follow them as they are sent, seperately, (yet are betrothed) to discover the truth about Jesus.  And they do, more so than had been intended.

I don't want to say much more specifically about the book, because it should be read for itself, but I definately thinkit is worth a read, and I am positive there are things here and there that will jump out at me as my mind digests what I've read today.  I am looking forward to the next book in the series that's sitting there waiting for me on the shelf over there, The Hidden Flame, I'm sure it's going to be just as fascinating.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Living on Less and Liking it More

Living on Less and Liking it More by Maxine Hancock; Started: June 25th, 2010; Finished: June 26th, 2010
This was a great book.  Even though it's written back in the late '70s, it's not really that dated.  The way the topic is handled it's relevent to tday as well as 30+ years ago.
I found the end didn't Quite line up with the rest of the book, but maybe that's just me.
 In this book the author talks about finding ways to live more with God in mind, than for material possessions.  About making do with littler, whether by choice or circumstances.
About going from owning their home to renting:
"..From one which we owned, to one which we could only rent....I felt like a hen that couldn't quite settle back on the nest for fear it might be suddenly jerked away from under her." 
Being a renter myself I can totally identify with that feeling.  
I'm wanting to add this book to my personal library, as something to come back to from time to time, keep me on track.  While reading this book I felt the strength and courage to make choices within my own life for better financial stability and peace of mind.
Whether you are someone who suddenly finds themself on a small, limited income, or you've always had to scrape by, or even if money has never been something you've had to worry over, I feel that there is something for everyone within this book.

Friday, June 25, 2010

How to Raise Christian Kid in a Non-Christian World

How to Raise Christian Kids in a Non-Christian World by Youth for Christ & Victor Books; Started: June 23rd; Finished: June 25th.

This book was written in the late 80's, and you can tell, particularily at the begining, it's a bit dated.  But otherwise I think most of the information is relevent to raising kids today.

Personally I'm not sure if I would use every single idea, or be in agreement with every single idea, but we're all entitled to our own opinion and thoughts on things.  So, if taken with a grain of salt and with the above in mind, then overall I would have to say this is a really good book, and it did have some "click" moments for myself, especially towards the end of it.  There are ideas that I will be trying to implement within my own family that were in this book. 

I feel that it was definately a worthwhile read.

How to Raise Christian Kids in a Non Christian World

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Father of My Heart

Father of My Heart by Janette Oke; Started: June 15th, 2010; Finished: June 16th, 2010

Another great book for a bible study or some such.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Father of Love

The Father of Love by Janette Oke; Started: June 14th, 2010; Finished: June 15th, 2010

This would make a great book for a Bible Study group, as well as a way to quickly review the Love Comes Softly series.  Lots of good thoughts contained within.

The Father of Love: Spiritual Insights from the Love Comes Softly Series

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Bluebird and the Sparrow

The Bluebird and the Sparrow by Janette Oke; Started: June 13, 2010, Finished: June 14th, 2010.

Another good book.  I felt so sorry, from the very start, for the main character, Berta.  The way I could see her anger, bitterness and jealousy, ruining so much of her life, making her miserable and unhappy.

The book follows Berta, the eldest daughter, from the day her little, beautiful, sister is born, and through her growing up, always trying to "one-up" her sister for attention and love.  Following her into adult-hood, where all the negative emotion has locked her away from even her family and their love, and through her finally reaching out to God, and learning to accept herself for who she is, and realizing that she is special as she is.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Too Long a Stranger

Too Long a Stranger by Janette Oke; Started: June 12, 2010; Finished: June 13th, 2010

As is usually the case thus far with books written by Janette Oke, this was a great book.  Being a single mother myself, I really identified with the main character, Sarah.

I was looking forward to reading the book once I read the two main character's names actually, lol, Sarah and Rebecca.  (I am Sara, and my sister is Rebecca, aka Becky :D amusing coincidence)

The story follows a young widow, Sarah, who's husband is killed.  Rebecca is her young daughter, only about a year or so old at the start of the book.  Ssarah struggles to run her husband's freight business after he dies, struggles to make ends meet, pay off debts, and support herself and her daughter.  Through the kindness of neighbours, who freely offer to look after young Rebecca, she is able to do this.  She then decides it would be better for rebecca to be sent to boarding school to "learn to be a lady".

Sarah has a number of hardships to overcome.  She's not strong enough to handle the freight on her own, so must hire help for loading and unloading.  Winter's harshness, especially out on the prairies.  Competition, the opening of another freight run, which she takes on.  An accident that left her in bed for a number of days, but brought her closer to God.  And then teh return of her daughter, no longer the little girl she was when she went away, home, and accustomed to a different way of life.

I don't think I could ever send my children away, even for their own good, but luckily for me in a lot of ways times now are easier for a single parent than they used to be.  I did understand the, do what you can for them, and being determined to do it yourself, and not depend upo others, though I think at times she could have accepted the offered help, but I am also one to refuse help when I should probably do otherwise.

So yes, I Really identified with Sarah.  This was a really great book, as I said, and as all of Janette Oke's books I've read thus far (numbering around 30 I figure) I've been able to take something meaningful personally to myself from it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Drums of Change

Drums of Change by Janette Oke; Started: June 11, 2010, Finished: June 12, 2010.

It says June 12, but I had actually stayed up late, into the am hours, to finish this book, so technically the 12th, but actually I finished it the same day I started reading it.

I think this book is masterfully done.  I loved it.  It made me think, and it fit into my own life.  (in regards to the spiritual side of things... hard to explain... and for another blog, lol) 

The story follows Running Fawn, a young First Nations girl in Alberta, around the time of the signing of Treaty Seven.  You follow her from when she is little, still in the traditional way of life, when white settlers are starting to come in greater numbers, through the disappearance of the Buffalo, to settling on the reserve, being one of two sent to a Mission school, full of white children, and strange things she has never seen or had to do before.  Her pain at being seperated from her family.  Finally returning to the reservation, and... I shall say no more lest I spoil it for you ;)

You feel Running Fawn's frustration, you can (at least I did) identify with her all the way along.  It's an incredible story.  There's so much more I wish I could say, but the words elude me, it's all more of a feeling than something to put into words... just.. a really great book and well worth the read.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Quiet Places, Warm Thoughts

Quiet Places, Warm Thoughts by Janette Oke; Started: June 10th, 2010; Finished: June 10, 2010.

There's not much can be said about this book, is a short book of very short stories and a few poems.  I liked it, though the stories were too short for my preference, but I guess that's what makes a great story, wanting more.

A good quick read, with some food for thought.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Beyond the Gathering Storm

Beyond the Gathering Storm by Janette Oke; Started: June 9th, 2010; Finished: June 10, 2010

This book is a continuation of Janette Oke's Canadain West series.  Following Elizabeth and Wynn's now grown adopted children. 

I enjoyed it, as I do most of her books.  It was a bit of a switch at first to shift gears from what I have bene reading back into fiction, but by about half-way through I was into it again.

It was alright.  Not sure I could say it's one of my favourites, and I did have difficulties with the abrupt changes in folling one person to following the other.  But the story was good.